Why go V.I.Pink

Why go V.I.Pink

[2023 UPDATE]

It is not about how important someone is. Instead, when you buy a V.I.Pink premium ticket to Anthem Party, you are supporting others in the community at the same time as unlock added flourishes to make a great night exceptional. Read on to find out what is included in your V.I.Pink ticket to Anthem on 11 March 2023.


Your V.I.Pink ticket contributes to an allocation of complimentary tickets that are offered to Wellington rainbow community organisations for deserving volunteers, staff and members.

READ MORE: Free tickets dished out to Wellington community groups


Previous gifts included the Anthem branded FabulousMe Fan or the Pride Angel Wing Necklace from Pride Shop. This year's gift will be something you can wear at the party and take home with you at the end!


Courtesy of Absolut Vodka, receive a complimentary drink voucher which you arrive which you can take to the bar and exchange for your choice of alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage.



In-party extras like access to an additional bar and/or area had mixed results in the past. However, if we can find a way to make these work at the venue, we certainly will and will let you know.


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